maanantai 26. syyskuuta 2011

The Federal Reserve Plans To Identify “Key Bloggers”
And Monitor Billions Of Conversations About The Fed On Facebook, Twitter, Forums And Blogs
The Federal Reserve wants to know what you are saying about it.  In fact, the Federal Reserve has announced plans to identify “key bloggers” and to monitor “billions of conversations” about the Fed on Facebook, Twitter, forums and blogs.  This is yet another sign that the alternative media is having a dramatic impact.  As first reported on Zero Hedge, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has issued a “Request for Proposal” to suppliers who may be interested in participating in the development of a “Sentiment Analysis And Social Media Monitoring Solution”.  In other words, the Federal Reserve wants to develop a highly sophisticated system that will gather everything that you and I say about the Federal Reserve on the Internet and that will analyze what our feelings about the Fed are.  Obviously, any “positive” feelings about the Fed would not be a problem.  What they really want to do is to gather information on everyone that views the Federal Reserve negatively.  It is unclear how they plan to use this information once they have it, but considering how many alternative media sources have been shut down lately, this is obviously a very troubling sign.
Fed Program to “Monitor Conversations” Is Intimidation Tactic


Blogger Tech Says Activist Post Taken Down by “Automated Process”
Blogger censorship is nothing new. The blogging platform owned by Google has a history of taking out blogs and websites it does not like or that are uncomfortable for the establishment.
Google worked closely with the authoritarian government in China to censor the internet. It’s video platform Youtube continually receives complaints that it removes controversial videos, especially politically controversial videos.
Google’s Youtube has not only dropped Alex Jones and other associated videos numerous times, they have also consistently fudged view count numbers used to judge the popularity of posted videos.
So it came as no surprise when the popular political website Activist Post suddenly disappeared and it turned out that Blogger had pulled the plug. It was eventually restored after a ground swell of complaints and criticism.

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