keskiviikko 13. heinäkuuta 2011

Ahmed Wali Karzai, Warlord Drug Smuggler And CIA Asset Since 2001, 'Killed By Bodyguard'

"Ahmed Wali Karzai was killed at about 11.30am. He was killed by his bodyguard inside his house," said General Abdul Razaq. Razaq said an investigation into the assassination was under way.

Ahmed Wali Karzai was a powerful figure in Afghan politics. He was said to be a key figure in the illegal Afghan opium trade and was also reported to be on the payroll of the CIA, both allegations he denied. He said international forces used these charges to deflect their own failings in Afghanistan.

In 2009 four suicide bombers stormed the provincial council office in Kandahar, killing 13 people. Ahmed Wali Karzai claimed he was the target of the attack.
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