Jake Davis, an 18-year-old from the Shetland Islands, was released on bail on Monday after being charged with five offences relating to computer attacks and break-ins by the LulzSec and Anonymous hacking groups earlier this year.LulzSec hacking: third Briton arrested
An 18-year-old who was arrested as part of a police investigation into computer hacking by the online groups Anonymous and LulzSec has been charged with hacking into systems, assisting offences, and conspiracy to carry out attacks on the website of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca).LulzSec leader denies links to extremist groups
US hacker 'The Jester' claims LulzSec and Anonymous activism is 'the perfect recruitment tool for terrorist organisations'From LulzSec to 4Chan: a hacking who's who
The leader of the LulzSec hacking group has been accused of being a front for recruitment to extremist causes which aim to create a group of "domestic terrorists".
The accusation is made against "Sabu", believed to be a Puerto Rican living in New York, who has acted as the head of the group which over the past few months has carried out online break-ins and attacks on websites belonging to the US Congress, UK Serious Organised Crime Agency, and NATO. Sabu has denied the allegation in a Twitter discussion with the Guardian: "I'm not affiliated to any terrorist groups," he said.
The claim comes as police extended their interview of an 18-year-old man who was arrested in the Shetland Islands on Wednesday – alleged to be "Topiary", the group's principal spokesman. Police are believed to have arrested and bailed another LulzSec member, known online as "Tflow", last week.
The Jester30 China Government Sites Hacked By Hitcher
Highly skilled, lone wolf former US military hacker.
Members: One
Agenda: Pro-US, pro-military who especially enjoys taking down jihadist websites, but will take on anyone who he judges to be anti-American or uppity
Timeline: Multiple "takedowns" of jihadist websites over a number of years and attack on WikiLeaks following release of US embassy cables last year
Where to find him: Web: th3j35t3r.wordpress.com/; Twitter: twitter.com/th3j35t3r
Where will he go from here?: As he never troubles the US or UK intelligence services, and appears to be smarter than others ranged against him, he could continue as long as he likes.
Pakistani Hacker with code name "Hitcher" today hit 30 China Government websitesMiksi Pakistanilainen hakkeri hakkeroisi Kiinan valtion nettisivuja ja murtautuisi oman maansa yliopiston tietokantoihin?? The Jester "entinen" jenkkien sotilashakkeri joka tykkää kaataa feikki-islamisti sivustoja vielä maalailee mediassa kuvaa että Anonymous ja LulZsec hakkerit ovat terroristeja. Haiskahtaa pahasti siltä että Anonymous ryhmää käytetään hyväksi tiedustelupalveluiden toimesta ja heidät leimataan terroristeiksi että saadaan tekosyitä internetin tiukempaan kontrolliin ja sensuroimiseen.
Hacker deface all these domains and Mirror of every defacement is available here. In past, LUMS University Database was also Hacked By Hitcher.
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