keskiviikko 10. elokuuta 2011

Lontoon poliisi: Twitter ja RIM auttoivat mellakoijia
Lontoon mellakoijat käyttivät hyväkseen RIM:n Blackberry-puhelimia ja Twitter-viestejä, kun he suunnittelivat iskujaan.
Blackberry-puhelinten valmistaja Research in Motion on aloittanut yhteistyön poliisin kanssa selvittääkseen, kuinka yhtiön puhelimia käytettiin Lontoon mielenosoitusten järjestämiseen.
Poliisi uskoo, että mielenosoittajat käyttivät myös Twitteriä. Twitter ei suostu kommentoimaan väitteitä. 
BlackBerry Website Hacked as Company Pledges to Help Cops Find Brit Rioters
Steve Kavanagh, the deputy assistant commissioner οf the Metropolitan police, ѕаіd that “social media and other methods hаνе bееn used tο organize thеѕе levels οf greed аnd criminality” and added thаt people using social media in widespread vandalism would be arrested.
UK Riots: Government Prepares Troops, Martial Law

Shooting inquiry: Answers to the key questions behind the man who was gunned down by police triggering the riots
Mark Duggan was no stranger to the police and he knew they were on his trail. At about 6pm on Thursday he texted from a minicab to his girlfriend Semone Wilson: ‘The Feds are following me’....
It is unclear whether Duggan was in the Toyota when he was shot – a witness claimed that he and the driver had been pulled through the doors and that were both ordered to lie spread-eagled on the floor.
A 20-year-old witness said three or four police officers had both men pinned on the ground at gunpoint. ‘They were really big guns and then I heard four loud shots. The police shot him on the floor and later I heard the man was dead.’
This account is uncorroborated and the IPCC has denied that Duggan was shot repeatedly or that he was the victim of an ‘execution’.
Was Duggan armed?
Initial reports suggested he had a handgun and fired the first round at police, which hit and lodged in a radio under one officer’s jacket.
But ballistic tests on the bullet recovered from the radio suggested it was police-issue ammunition.
There were also reports yesterday that Duggan did not fire at all, that the weapon he is alleged to have been carrying was a replica handgun or starting pistol converted to fire live rounds,
An officer is said to have shot him dead because he feared he was in danger.
Lontoossahan on valvontakameroita joka kadunkulmassa niin luulisi että tämä tapahtuma on nauhalla.


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