lauantai 27. elokuuta 2011

Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik’s Attack
The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reports today police sources have confirmed that hours before Anders Behring Breivik launched his deadly attack at a political summer camp on Utøya island on July 22, police had conducted a drill for a “practically identical scenario.”
“Sources within the top level management of the police in Oslo have confirmed to Aftenposten that the drill finished at 15:00 that same Friday,” the newspaper reports. “All of the officers from the anti-terror unit that later took part at the bombsite at the government buildings and went out to Utøya to apprehend Anders Behring Breivik had been training on the exact same scenario earlier the same day and in the days preceding,” writes Andreas Bakke Foss.
The bomb attributed to Breivik went off only 26 minutes after the anti-terror drill finished, according to officials.
Norwegian police characterize the “very similar” drill and its chronological proximity to the “practically identical scenario” as a coincidence.
Such “coincidences” are now routine during terror events. On September 11, 2001, the Air Force conducted the Vigilant Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, Northern Guardian, Northern Vigilance exercises.
Trained at Utøya scenario 22 July

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