tiistai 6. maaliskuuta 2012

New Terror Laws Feed All Your Private Messages To Big Brother

CNET and the Telegraph report new anti-terror laws force Internet and Phone companies to provide your every phone call, text, email and private social network message to the government

The attack on online privacy is assaulting the public from every angle but the bottom line is the government’s unquenchable thirst to monitor your every thought and communication in real-time cannot be satisfied.
While the excuses run the entire spectrum of excuses from child porn to cybersecurity and hacking to copyright and anti-piracy control, all of those scapegoats have thus far fell short of convincing the public they need to sacrifice their civil liberties to give Big Brother the power to protect them.
Now lawmakers have resorted to the tried and true method of fooling the public into giving up their rights – Terrorism.
Yes, terrorism. The same excuse used to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, enact the patriot act and the NDAA, as well as give the United States the power to assassinate their own citizens and to indefinitely detain and torture anyone they wish based on the mere fabrication of allegations with no evidence to  back up their claims.
That is the justification for new totalitarian digital communication monitoring laws that are expected to be announced this May.
Nevermind the fact that the definition of terrorism has been obscured to the point that simple acts like uploading a You Tube video, attending a protest, or even using the one of the long list of terror related words online can put you in the crosshairs of the governments cancerous multi-billion dollar secret illegal surveillance and domestic spy program.
As CNET and The Telegraph report, the new laws will require all digital communication providers to catalog and archive every phone call, text message, email and private social network message sent across their networks and provide them to the government for monitoring.
Jatka lukemista: http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2012/03/03/terror-laws-feed-private-messages-goverment-90042/

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